Thursday, August 23, 2018

Chad Leat: How to Improve Your LinkedIn Search Ranking

Chad Leat understands that using LinkedIn can be tremendously powerful. However, many users are unfamiliar with how to improve their ranking to get to the first page of search results in LinkedIn's "people search" section. 

While it may not work 100 percent of the time, Chad Leat offers the following advice: Use your name or business/brand as a keyword and make sure to include it in the following sections of your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Headline

When individuals visit your LinkedIn profile, the first thing they notice is your headline, making it the most important and relevant part of your profile so not including your name or business can be a costly mistake.

Work Experience

Your current work experience is the second most relevant section of your LinkedIn profile because it details what you are currently doing in business.

Past Work Experience

You have probably started to notice a top to bottom approach in adding your name or business in the profile sections already listed. Chad Leat recommends that LinkedIn users start at the top and work their way to the bottom of their profile to increase their place in the social media platform's search results.


Your LinkedIn summary is the "meat" of your profile, so make sure it reads well, is free of typos and grammatical errors, and represents yourself or your business.

There are numerous ways LinkedIn can improve your popularity within your industry. Take advantage of this powerful platform by optimizing your profile with the keywords you have selected to make yourself stand out from the rest of the users or businesses in your industry.

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